Flooding quickly escalating in Laplace,LA #wxtwitter #lawx @NWSNewOrleans @spann pic.twitter.com/tkgrn5aEko
— Chad Casey (@WxFanaticCC) August 29, 2021
Flooding quickly escalating in Laplace,LA #wxtwitter #lawx @NWSNewOrleans @spann pic.twitter.com/tkgrn5aEko
— Chad Casey (@WxFanaticCC) August 29, 2021
Reports of winds in NOLA already blowing out windows from taller buildings downtown. Remember the winds ⬆️ with height over the lowest layer of a #hurricane such that the winds atop a 30-story building are category stronger than the near-surface winds. & the worst is yet to come.
— Todd Kimberlain (@ToddKimberlain) August 29, 2021
Emergency Management officials are reporting back levee over-topping on the east bank of Plaquemines Parish near White Ditch… https://t.co/KoUo3Gf3wm
— Spinks Megginson (@rzweather) August 29, 2021
Just east of Cowan Road on highway 90… Plenty of sand on 90. #mswx #Ida @rzweather @spann @WKRGEd pic.twitter.com/i6iMIefbJp
— Nicholas Herboso (@KNBHwx) August 29, 2021
Just had 2 storms pass to the north and south of me on the western shore of Mobile bay around 20 to 30 minutes ago.
One of them had a lowering and was rotating.@NWSMobile@rzweather @spann @WKRGEd pic.twitter.com/mJHAdXcUmT— Tyler Smith (@TylerSmith_wx) August 29, 2021