7:08AM September 3, 2019

HURRICANE DORIAN TO START MOVING NORTH TODAY; HOT & SUNNY LOCALLY… If this looks like same image we saw when we woke up on Monday, that is because it is quite similar. Hurricane Dorian has been parked over The Bahamas over the last 24-36 hours with very little movement, lashing those islands with 155+ mph wind gusts. Early indications from initial videos and photos show widespread catastrophic damage in the Abaco Islands and on Grand Bahama Island. Dorian will begin the slow trek northward today as the system finally starts to “feel the effect” of an upper trough to the north. The most likely scenario in terms of the official forecast is that Dorian will move northward just off the coast of Florida over the next 48 hours. Could a landfall in Florida still happen? Yes, but the odds of that happening are now lower since Dorian didn’t get as far west as some models suggested. There still could be hurricane force winds along the Florida Atlantic coast over the next 48 hours or so and Hurricane Warnings remain in effect. Significant Dorian impacts are also possible in parts of eastern Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina later this week. Direct impacts from Hurricane Dorian are not expected in Alabama or northwest Florida. Locally today, we’ve got plenty of sunshine on tap with high temperatures likely to be in the mid-90s.

I am headed to a school presentation in Santa Rosa County this morning. I’ll have your full forecast video posted this afternoon. See you then!

Testing 123

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