7:06PM December 31, 2019

ISOLATED STRONG STORMS POSSIBLE THURSDAY; LEVEL 1 RISK FOR NOW… Isolated strong to severe thunderstorms will be possible Thursday evening into Friday morning. Right now, we’re at a Level 1 (out of 5) marginal risk for the entire local are across south Alabama and northwest Florida. I would suggest there is a growing chance we’ll see an outlook upgrade tonight or tomorrow as severe weather parameters seem to be increasing. The main concern will likely be tornadoes. The Storm Prediction Center is noting that there is a CONDITIONAL risk of strong tornadoes, meaning under some scenarios we could have a significant tornado risk. That remains an outlier scenario at the moment, but something to monitor nonetheless.

SEVERE WEATHER TIMING… Let’s be clear in stating we won’t have any major weather issues (except maybe some dense areas of fog in the morning hours on Wednesday and Thursday) until this event. Thursday afternoon is when we could have a few stronger storms set up to our west. Thursday evening into early Friday morning is the timeframe when we’ll need to monitor for the potential for a few strong storms.

Be sure to check back with me in the morning on the New Year’s Day forecast video for the very latest on this growing severe weather potential setting up for Thursday into early Friday. Have a great New Year’s Eve. Hope you can get our and celebrate!

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