SUNNY, MILD MONDAY; GORGEOUS WEATHER DAYS AHEAD… Patchy areas of dense fog this morning will burn off by 10AM. Sunny skies are expected throughout the day on this Monday with temperatures reaching the mid 70s by 3PM. Temperatures will be increasingly warm in the days ahead with highs likely near 80 degrees by Thursday. Mostly sunny days and mostly clear nights are in store this week with very little in the way of any major weather disruptions other than fog being possible each night and into each morning.
DENSE FOG THIS MORNING AND OVER NEXT FEW MORNINGS… Fog is quite dense in spots across south Alabama and northwest Florida this morning. We encourage everyone to take it slow if you’re driving this morning through 9-10AM when fog will burn off. Patchy areas of dense fog will be possible on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings as well.
WARM, NICE DAYS THIS WEEK… This week will be fantastic by most folks’ temperature standards with highs in the 70s and near 80°. Morning lows will be in the 50s and near 60° later this week. Early February can sometimes feature winter weather, severe weather, and wild temperature swings. None of that this week! It’s going to be just about as nice as it gets for this time of year. Get outside and enjoy it if you can.
NO WINTRY PRECIPITATION OR EXTREME COLD IN SIGHT… No signs of any impending “Arctic blasts” are in the model guidance over the next 7-10 days. This means the first half of February will feature above average temperatures for this time of year. I see no signs of any wintry precipitation in the Deep South nor any prolonged blasts of cold air anytime soon.
APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!
See all the details in your Monday morning RedZone Weather forecast video. Have a great start to your week!