TUESDAY LIKELY TO BE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR… Regardless of if your location is under an Excessive Heat Warning or a Heat Advisory on Tuesday, it’s going to be HOT and HUMID. Heat index values will soar into the 110s by Noon. Some spots could end up with a heat index of 116-118° before the end of the day. Air temperatures are expected to peak in the mid- to upper-90s locally. I’m sure the national news folks are going nuts about how many millions of people are under heat advisories and warnings Tuesday, but long time viewers and readers know we don’t do the whole hype thing around here. It’s going to be hot & humid tomorrow. As long as you know that and know the signs of heat stroke and heat exhaustion, you’ll be in good shape. Storms that fire up tomorrow will be loud, strong, and produce heavy rain, but tornadoes and severe weather are NOT expected.
HEAT EXHAUSTION & HEAT STROKE EXPLAINER… You can read more about the signs and symptoms of being in the heat for too long here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-exhaustion/symptoms-causes/syc-20373250
A BIT OF RELIEF FROM THE HEAT LATER THIS WEEK… We begin to moderate out of this horrible, humid air mass by Wednesday. Afternoon high temperatures on Thursday and Friday will ease back into the low-90s with morning lows returning to the low-70s. The air will return to “normal humid” as opposed to “insane humid” we’re currently experiencing.
APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. redzoneweather.com/app is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!
No issues in the tropics for now and no significant severe weather issues are in sight. Good news! I’ll have your full forecast video posted on Tuesday by 7:15AM. See you then!