CRITICAL BRUSH FIRE ALERT… There have been several reported small wildfires this afternoon across the region. It is CRITICAL that motorists DO NOT throw out cigarettes or have loose chains dragging on the roadway behind vehicles. This is has become a serious situation this evening with at least 10 known brush fires happening in the last 2 hours. The statewide burn ban continues! The ground is simply too dry right now and cannot handle any sparks that can quickly become an out of control wildfire. Please help me get the word out about this!
HIGHWAY 31 BLOCKED NEAR POLLARD… Traffic on Highway 31 southbound near Pollard and Keego is blocked due to an ongoing larger brush fire just south of Owens Collision Center and the Tri-County Speedway.
INTERSTATE 65 SLOWDOWNS… There also have been multiple reported brush fires on I-65 south of the Flomaton/Wallace exit near mile marker 65, per reports from Bama Scan News.