6:50AM March 16, 2020

PARTLY CLOUDY & WARM TODAY; SHOWERS TO OUR NORTH… Mostly sunny skies this morning will give way to mostly cloudy skies tonight as we look ahead to Tuesday when we could have isolated showers and thunderstorms around. Rain chances will be near zero for most across our region today, minus areas in Butler and Crenshaw counties where there is a small (10-20%) chance of rain. High temperatures will again be in the 84-86° range across inland communities with upper-70s likely closer to the coast. Rain chances are set to rise as we get into the upcoming weekend. Temperatures will likely drop considerably as a cold front will likely move by on Saturday. Let’s look at your Monday forecast details.

WARM LOCALLY TODAY; RAIN & COOLER AIR ACROSS NORTH ALABAMA… We had a steep thermal gradient in place across the Deep South yesterday and the same will be true today. Why? There is a stationary frontal boundary draped across Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and into South Carolina that is acting as a barrier keeping the cold air to our north. This means that high temperatures probably won’t get out of the low-60s for communities in far northern Alabama like Huntsville, Decatur, and Florence. That is a 20+ degree swing across the state as some spots locally will be in the mid-80s by 2PM. Most spots locally will be dry today but there could be a few showers as far south as Greenville, Luverne, and Troy in south central Alabama.

FEW SHOWERS & STORMS TUESDAY… The previously mentioned stationary frontal boundary that is currently draped across Alabama will move southward and into the northern stretches of our region on Tuesday. This will be the spark for isolated showers and perhaps a few thunderstorms. Keep in mind, this won’t be an “all day washout” event. I am not expecting ANY of the next 7 days to be all day rain events. There is a chance that most of our communities locally will remain dry, even Tuesday into Wednesday. High temperatures Tuesday will be around 80° primarily due to the cloud cover limiting more heating. There is no formal severe weather risk on Tuesday.

LOW RAIN CHANCES WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY… Partly cloudy skies are expected on Wednesday and Thursday with rain chances being very low (0-20% chance) each day. Much of our local area will remain south of a stationary front, meaning we’ll have warm conditions in place on both Wednesday and Thursday. High temperatures will be in the mid-80s with morning lows in the mid-60s.

COLD FRONT APPROACHES FRIDAY INTO SATURDAY… If you’re a fan of cooler temperatures, I don’t want you to get TOO excited just yet as there are still some forecast uncertainties involved. Our next real chance of cooler air moving in will happen this weekend, probably on Saturday, as a reinforcing shot of slightly cooler air approaches from the north. There could be showers and thunderstorms involved Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as this front drapes across our region. Severe weather parameters, for now, remain low. High temperatures will likely drop into the 70s by Sunday. We’ll keep you posted about details in the RedZone Weather app over the next few days.

APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. redzoneweather.com/app is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!

See all the details in your Monday #rzw forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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