6:52AM May 6, 2020

CLOUDS CLEAR OUT TODAY; RAIN RETURNS LATE FRIDAY… After the passage of a cold front last night, we now have slightly cooler, drier air moving into our region that will set the stage for a chilly night and a gorgeous Thursday. Clouds are on the way out this morning and the entire region should be under full sunshine by midday. Temperatures will peak around the 80 degree mark this afternoon. Our next rain chance is slated for Friday as another cold front approaches from the northwest. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will be possible on Friday evening into early Saturday, although for now severe weather parameters remain low. The weekend will be mostly cloudy with cooler temperatures in store for Saturday. Let’s look at all of your forecast details.

SUNNY, MILD THURSDAY… If there ever were a “picture perfect” early May weather day for our local area, this may be it on Thursday. High temperatures will be in the mid- to upper-70s with full sunshine in place for the entire region for much of the day. There may be a few high clouds streaming in from the west late in the day, but overall, it should be a beautiful, mild day.

SCATTERED SHOWERS & STORMS FRIDAY EVENING… Another cold front will approach south Alabama and northwest Florida from the north on Friday. This frontal boundary will spark a few showers and thunderstorms in the P.M. hours in areas mainly north of Interstate 10. Model guidance has trended toward a wetter solution, meaning there are increasing chances that more of us will have rain on Friday night. The good news is severe weather parameters remain very low as of now. Good news!

SHOWERS POSSIBLE SATURDAY MORNING… Showers will remain possible into the early morning hours of Saturday. Clouds will probably linger throughout the day Saturday with temperatures being confined into the 70s.

MORE SUNSHINE TO START NEXT WEEK… Sunny skies are expected Sunday afternoon, Monday, into Tuesday of the upcoming week with temperatures in the 80s each afternoon. Morning lows will be in the 50s.

NOTE ABOUT THE TROPICS… You may have already seen or you might see some alarmist post(s) floating around social media today about potential tropical trouble in the Gulf of Mexico over the next week or two. Rest assured that there is ZERO tropical threat for any part of Alabama or northwest Florida at this time. If the system in question (a cut off area of low pressure) were to develop in the Gulf of Mexico, it probably would remain an unnamed/weak area of low pressure that would throw some much-needed rainfall into south Florida. No impacts for the local area regardless of if the system remained weak or if it actually did become a tropical depression or tropical storm briefly. Keep in mind that model guidance has consistently suggested this will be a non-issue. I’m not concerned about it and you shouldn’t be either.

APP… redzoneweather.com/app is the link for the free download. Be sure to visit the Alerts tab (bottom right corner) and tap the large, yellow “Alert Settings” button to customize the alerts you’d like to receive from me. If you like a lot of info, be sure to toggle ON Low-Level Alerts.

See all the details in your Wednesday #rzw forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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