7:22AM February 13, 2021

BLACK ICE POSSIBLE ON LOCAL ROADWAYS MONDAY NIGHT… Our local area continues to be in the zone for RAIN on Monday into Tuesday morning with freezing rain and ice issues being more likely to happen just northwest of us in parts of Mississippi and northwest Alabama. One concern for our area Monday night, however, will be the potential for black ice on local roadways. Black ice happens when rain water freezes as a glaze on a surface (like a roadway). This black ice event will be possible as we will have quite a bit of rain Monday evening ahead of below freezing temperatures on Monday night into Tuesday morning. If you know someone that will be traveling Monday evening, especially across west Alabama or Mississippi, please make sure they are aware of the potential for hazardous road conditions. A few more Saturday forecast details are below.

SHOWERS AT TIMES TODAY… Rain will continue to be possible on this Saturday, mainly across the eastern part of our region. Cloudy skies will persist throughout the day with high temperatures in the low-50s. No severe weather is expected. Rain will gradually taper off from west to east later today, although a few lingering, isolated showers will be possible tonight into Sunday.

A FEW SHOWERS ON SUNDAY… Showers will become more numerous tomorrow (Sunday) morning ahead of a potential dry few hours on Sunday evening. Temperatures will be in the low-50s by midday, rising to around 56 in the afternoon hours.

HEAVIER RAIN POSSIBLE MONDAY… Rain will become heavier and more widespread across the region (yet again!) on Monday as a surface area of low pressure develops to our southwest and basically moves right over our region. This will allow for rain to be possible into Monday evening. This area of low pressure is also responsible for the potential freezing rain and ice issues that will be possible in areas to our northwest on Monday evening. High temperatures on Monday will be around 60.

ICE & FREEZING RAIN ISSUES TO OUR NORTHWEST MONDAY… Please be aware that a potentially significant freezing rain event will be possible across parts of Louisiana, Mississippi, and north Alabama on Monday evening. Travel could become quite hazardous in some places. Black ice will quickly become a concern in areas affected by rain that then have temperatures at or below the freezing mark overnight on Monday into Tuesday.

BLACK ICE ISSUES LIKELY TO END TUESDAY MORNING… Temperatures will rise fairly quickly on Tuesday morning, leading to an end to any black ice that may develop. All of the black ice on local roadways will likely be gone by 9-10AM. High temperatures on Tuesday will rise to near 50 degrees by 2PM. A few peeks of sunshine are expected on Tuesday.

MORE SHOWERS MIDWEEK; DRIER FEW DAYS… We have another rain event setting up for Wednesday and Thursday of the upcoming week, however it does seem like we will *finally* get a break from the rain on Friday into Saturday (a week from today) as our overall pattern begins to become a bit more quiet.

I will have radar updates posted as needed today in the RedZone Weather app. Have a great Saturday!

Testing 123

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