6:56AM March 18, 2021

CLEARING SKIES & COOLER TODAY; NICE, COOL WEEKEND AHEAD… Skies will continue to clear on this Thursday as the lingering clouds behind the storms continue to move east. High temperatures this afternoon will be near 70 in most spots across south Alabama and northwest Florida. Plenty of sunshine is ahead for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, into Monday. Clouds will increase Tuesday ahead of our next chance of rain and thunderstorms on Wednesday of the upcoming week.

COOL TEMPERATURES OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS… Cooler, drier, much more stable air is rapidly moving into the Deep South this morning behind the storms that are exiting our region. High temperatures on Friday will be near 70. Some spots, especially over west Alabama, may not get out of the upper-60s tomorrow afternoon. Overnight lows will be in the 40s over the next few days.

STORMS LIKELY MIDWEEK… Another round of rain and thunderstorms is expected across our local area at some point on Wednesday or Thursday of the upcoming week. It is FAR too early to speculate whether severe storms will be a real possibility, but we are in the core of the annual tornado season so severe weather should be be viewed as something that is unexpected or shocking. March and April are our peak tornado months in Alabama and it would not be surprising at all to see another round of severe weather in about a week. That is NOT a certainty, but it is something we will keep our eyes on this weekend. We’ll bring you the latest info in the RedZone Weather app. Certainly nothing to worry about about over the next few days.

APP… If you haven’t already, be sure to download the free RedZone Weather app to keep up with all the latest information on the world of weather in south Alabama and northwest Florida. redzoneweather.com/app is the link for the free download. Once you have the app downloaded to your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab (lower right corner) and tap the large, yellow Alert Settings button to customize the alerts you would like to receive straight from me.

See all the details in your Thursday #rzw forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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