6:54AM March 29, 2021

SUNNY SKIES THIS AFTERNOON; RAIN & STORMS RETURN TOMORROW… Cooler air has temporarily moved into our region on this Monday ahead of warmer and wetter days upcoming on Tuesday and Wednesday. High temperatures today will be in the low- to mid-70s across south Alabama and northwest Florida. Showers and a few thunderstorms are set to return tomorrow (Tuesday) in the evening hours across mostly inland areas ahead of more widespread showers and thunderstorms locally on Wednesday. All of the rain over the next 72 hours will be response to a cold front approaching our region. This front will move by late Wednesday evening, allowing much cooler air to move into the area. High temperatures on Thursday will be in the 60s. A few more Monday forecast details are below.

SHOWERS ON TUESDAY; FEW STORMS IN P.M. HOURS… Rain will be possible at times on Tuesday, particularly late in the day. The greatest chance of thunderstorms will likely set up across the interior part of southwest Alabama in parts of Clarke, Washington, Wilcox, Monroe, Conecuh, and Butler counties. Not every locale will have rain on Tuesday, but there could be a few isolated heavier downpours. Highs on Tuesday will be in the upper-70s.

LEVEL 1 (OUT OF 5) RISK TO OUR NORTH TUESDAY… The Storm Prediction Center has outlined much of northern Mississippi, far northwestern Alabama, southern Arkansas, northern Louisiana, and the northeastern corner of Texas in a low-end, Level 1 (out of 5) severe weather risk valid for Tuesday. This means that a few stronger storms may be possible in those zones tomorrow. Right now, our local area remains OUT of the severe weather risk zones but we are included in the “general thunderstorms” zone.

THUNDERSTORMS LIKELY WEDNESDAY… Showers and storms will be likely on Wednesday in what will likely end up being the wettest day of this week. Some of the storms could potentially be on the strong side, although the overall tornado risk locally seems rather low. The main concern will likely be gusty winds that may be capable of knocking down a tree or two across the region. Highs on Wednesday will surge to around 80 degrees in the afternoon hours before the cold front moves through later in the evening. Rain could be heavy at times on Wednesday and there is a small chance we could see storms training over the same areas, meaning a few areas having flash flooding won’t be completely out of the question.

NICER, DRIER WEATHER LATER THIS WEEK… Full sunshine is currently in the forecast for both Thursday and Friday. High temperatures will be in the low- to mid-60s. We finally will have several days with no rain chance starting Thursday with the weekend trending drier as well. Good news!

APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. redzoneweather.com/app is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!

See all the details in your Monday #rzw forecast video. I hope you have a great Monday!

Testing 123

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