6:58AM February 18, 2022

CLEARING SKIES & COOLER TODAY; UNSETTLED, WET PATTERN NEXT WEEK… Sunshine returns later today and the good news is the weekend looks sunny as well. Rain quickly comes back into our weather forecast early next week as an unsettled, warm pattern kicks off. High temperatures on this Friday will be in the mid- to upper-50s inland with 60s likely closer to the immediate coast. Lingering clouds this morning will gradually move east and out of our area. I expect most of south Alabama and northwest Florida to have sunshine in place by the end of the day.

CHILLY NIGHTS AHEAD… Overnight lows will be in the mid-30s tonight and again on Saturday night. Clear skies each evening will allow temperatures to fall into the 40s rather quickly after sunset tonight and on Saturday night. Some spots north of US84 may briefly hit the freezing mark by 6AM Saturday. Widespread subfreezing temperatures are not expected, however.

RAIN LIKELY EARLY NEXT WEEK… President’s Day (also known as Washington’s Birthday) on Monday could be wet at times with a few showers being possible across the region. Showers will also be possible Monday night and again on Tuesday. For now, it appears surface-based instability will be lacking to the point that even thunderstorms will probably not happen. Thus, no severe weather issues are expected on Monday or Tuesday.

STORMS POSSIBLE WEDNESDAY… A warm front is expected to move northward across the northern Gulf Coast on Wednesday, thus allowing moist, Gulf air to stream in from the south. This will allow instability values to rise on Wednesday, meaning we may have a few thunderstorms around. Right now, severe weather probabilities on Wednesday seem rather low.

APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. redzoneweather.com/app is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!

See all the details in your Friday morning #rzw forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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