6:51AM June 25, 2024

P.M. POP-UP STORMS TODAY; QUITE HOT & HUMID AGAIN… Scattered showers and thunderstorms will bubble up in the afternoon and evening hours on this Tuesday. Storms may fire up a bit later today (1-3PM) compared to yesterday when storms fired up in the 10AM to Noon timeframe. High temperatures will again be in the upper-90s with heat index values in the 105-115° range today. Take it easy if you have to be outside for extended periods of time today as we continue to be in extreme heat and humidity, even compared to our local standards that feature hot temperatures this time of year.

MORE OF THE SAME OVER NEXT FEW DAYS… Scattered P.M. thunderstorms will continue to be the norm over the next several days. High temperatures will continue to be in the 90s with morning lows in the 70s. This is the usual pattern this time of year. It is not uncommon for one spot to get an inch of rain while another location a mile down the road may not get any rain at all. That is the nature of these pop-up thunderstorms that mostly happen in the afternoon and evening hours each day during the summer months around our local area.

TROPICS: TROPICAL WAVE ENTERING CARIBBEAN SEA… The National Hurricane Center indicates a tropical wave currently located near the southernmost Lesser Antilles has a 20% chance of becoming a named tropical storm as it approaches the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico in about 5 days. The system is currently located in an environment where development is not anticipated in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Parameters will become slightly more favorable for development as the tropical wave approaches the western Caribbean Sea. Development may also be possible in the southwestern Gulf in the Bay of Campeche, even if development from this system does not happen in the western Caribbean Sea. This will be something to monitor over the next few days but nothing to stress over, for now.

TROPICS: GULF OF MEXICO CURRENTLY QUIET… The Gulf of Mexico has no active tropical storms or imminent threats at the moment. We will watch the aforementioned tropical wave as it approaches the southwestern Gulf in about one week.

APP… If you haven’t already, be sure to download the free RedZone Weather app to keep up with all the latest information on the world of weather in south Alabama and northwest Florida. redzoneweather.com/app is the link for the free download. Once you have the app downloaded to your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab (lower right corner) and tap the large, yellow Alert Settings button to customize the alerts you would like to receive straight from me.

See all the details in your Tuesday morning RedZone Weather forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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