6:53AM December 4, 2019

A BIT WARMER TODAY; RAIN LIKELY ON FRIDAY… Clear skies are expected again on this Wednesday as temperatures increase by about 10 degrees compared to yesterday. High temperatures this afternoon will be in the upper-60s across south Alabama and northwest Florida. Clouds will begin to move in late on Thursday ahead of our next chance of rain on Friday. The overall severe weather risk on Friday remains LOW for now, but we could have some general thunderstorms involved during the middle of the day on Friday. Let’s look at your forecast details.

CLOUDS INCREASE ON THURSDAY… After 3 days of near complete sunshine, clouds will begin to move in from the southwest tomorrow (Thursday), especially in the afternoon and evening hours. We’re not expecting rain on Thursday, but there could be a few showers across west Alabama late in the evening hours. Rain will become increasingly likely Thursday night into Friday. High temperatures on Thursday will be in the upper-60s and some locales might hit the 70 degree mark.

RAIN LIKELY FRIDAY; MAYBE SOME STORMS TOO… An area of low pressure will dive southeast from Arkansas and Louisiana on Friday. Our local area will probably be in the cool/stable sector, north of the area of low pressure and accompanying warm front. Some models have alluded to the possibility that parts of coastal Alabama and northwest Florida may briefly be in the warm, unstable sector on Friday afternoon. This could potentially allow a few thunderstorms to bubble up in the peak heating hours of the day. The overall severe weather risk, however, remains very low for now. This is something I’ll be watching in the model data over the next 48 hours. For now, we’ll call it a wet, rainy day on Friday with high temperatures near 67° in most spots. Check back with me for the latest details about the potential for storms in the next day or so.

MOSTLY CLOUDY THIS WEEKEND; RAIN AGAIN ON SUNDAY… Rain exits our region late Friday night, meaning Saturday should be mostly dry. I can’t completely rule out the chance of a small shower or two but I think vast majority of the daytime hours of Saturday will be dry and mild. High temps on Saturday into Sunday will be in the 68-70° range. Rain will likely return on Sunday in the afternoon and evening hours.

UNSETTLED EARLY NEXT WEEK AHEAD OF COLD FRONT… Rain and storms will be possible Monday into Tuesday ahead of a significantly cooler air mass that will move into our region behind a strong cold front early Wednesday. We still have some timing issues to work out in this part of the forecast as to when exactly this front will move by. Regardless, we can unsettled conditions (rain and maybe some thunderstorms) early next week followed by much cooler, drier conditions Wednesday into Thursday.

APP… If you haven’t already downloaded the RedZone Weather app, now is a great time to do that. redzoneweather.com/app is the link to the free download. Once you have the RZW app installed on your iOS or Android device, be sure to visit the Alerts tab to turn on the specific notifications you’d like to receive. All notifications are handcrafted by me. No automation and we promise not to bug you!

See all the details in your Wednesday #rzw forecast video. Have a great day!

Testing 123

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