5:16PM 6/7/2018 – RZW Exec

TROPICAL DEVELOPMENT POSSIBLE LATE NEXT WEEK… Good evening, RZW Exec partners! I wish I had better news to end your week with, but confidence is growing that there will be a tropical system potentially developing in the western Caribbean Sea or southeastern Gulf of Mexico late next week.

This is the graphic (above) that I will LIKELY be posting publicly this evening announcing the low, yet growing, potential of a tropical storm forming next week. I say, “likely,” as I’m watching the new model data be issued right now. Depending on the new data, the main message I’ll likely be communicating publicly this evening is:

This is remains a low-end potential, with very little I can give at this point in terms of specifics. Anytime there is a potential tropical threat in the Gulf of Mexico, obviously this warrants monitoring closely by our region. There is substantial model disagreement on when and where this system will end up, but there’s enough consistency at this point to at least mention the possibility.

Testing 123

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